School's starts, fun over . Staying at school till 6pm everyday, deadly. Ohwell, it's o'levels. 112days to o's, seems long but it's short period of time only! Wanted to go Business Studies at NP badly, but it's 11points. Someone just spell I M P O S S I B L E . Wishing for a miracle and studying all i could now ~ Best of luck to me !

I'm freakin' sixteeen only, please don't let this happen .
Un-break my heart, say you love me again. Undo this hurt you caused, when you walked out of the door and walked out of my life. Un-cry these tears, i cried so many nights. Bring back the joy to my life, don't leave me here with all these tears, come and kiss that pain away . Without you, i just can't go on. It's been one month, give me little more time and i will be so over you. No regrets, just love.
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